Mapping Career Trajectories: Business Intelligence Salary Prospects

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Mapping Career Trajectories: Business Intelligence Salary Prospects – “If your people don’t grow, they leave.” This is a favorite phrase of Ben Gateley, our CEO. Everyone in Charlie has probably heard it over a hundred times, including me.

Yet when I started as Chief of Staff (later changed to COO), supporting the growth and career advancement of our team did not seem easy, nor was building a career advancement framework a priority.

Mapping Career Trajectories: Business Intelligence Salary Prospects

In this guide, I’ll show you how we’ve managed progression at Charlie by building a career development framework that will work for all of our teams – along with some exclusive tips. Read on to learn more.

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For employees, career progression means knowing how they can grow within the company and how you, as an employer, will help them get there.

Special attention is paid to career progression to attract and retain the best talent, so while it may be tempting to dismiss it if you’re a small business or startup, it would be a big mistake – at Charlie, we’re all here to tell the story of people leaving due to lack of development.

So remember that when it comes to climbing the career ladder, team members expect you to:

As an employer, career progression means keeping your team members happy and performing well by giving them opportunities to grow – for their own benefit and theirs.

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Here’s how we handled career progression in the first few years. If you work in a small business, it probably sounds familiar:

Anyone can book a one-on-one meeting with me at any time to discuss their personal development. This method isn’t really a big problem for small, fast-growing startups, as progress can happen naturally as the business grows, but as we grew, cracks began to appear.

The more I talked about how important development was to Charlie, the more hollow and hypocritical he seemed. It just wasn’t clear. We did not provide consistent or clear answers to our team.

“I just ended up with a lack of motivation. It feels like you’re stuck in a bit of limbo with a career that has the potential to not really go anywhere.” Jess Noel, Customer Service Associate

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This has affected our business and our relationship with team members in many ways. The three areas where we identified problems were:

First, we engaged The People Collective to audit our current processes and develop a career progression system that fits our environment. Here’s what we did:

The career progression framework will be the foundation of your business, so you don’t want to rush it. Think long and hard about the implementation and put together a schedule:

At a basic level, a progression system turns an employee’s career into a series of levels and sets rules for how they can move from one level to the next when performance reviews are performed.

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There are many different jobs at Charlie, from product designers to software engineers. How do we build a system that works for all of them?

We decided to build a career progression framework that worked for everyone. When we did this, it was already a huge project to take on, so we wanted to see the impact as soon as possible.

However, in recent years, after growing our team, we decided that this was not enough. Many behaviors and values ​​seemed quite abstract to team members, meaning they did not have a concrete vision for development.

At that time, we added specific expectations to certain functions of the business, which means that the framework for moving forward became even finer and more concrete with examples from real life.

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Of course, this might not be feasible initially (as we’ve seen), but in the long run, and as the feature grows, you’ll need to find the right balance between a simple general approach and something too granular. .

Remember that your career progression framework doesn’t have to be set in stone, and it’s always possible to iterate on the process as you go.

Our old system was quite traditional. Most roles are categorized as ‘junior’, ‘mid-level’, ‘senior’ and ‘leader’. It just wasn’t detailed enough to give people a sense of progress. The most obvious example was the “developer” title, which was between a junior developer and a senior developer. People felt stuck in this role and had no idea when or how they would become a lead developer.

We realized that our new system needed to offer more levels. We’ve looked at many frameworks that have chosen this – most have chosen six or seven stages of progression. We decided to go with seven.

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But even at seven levels, we’re concerned that people feel like they’ve lost their momentum. We wanted our system to cover a lifetime of development.

A Level 1 person is just getting started, while a Level 7 is absolutely at the top of their game – so jumping between levels is a significant step forward in someone’s career development.

It can take a few years to move between levels, so to prevent people from getting “stuck” on one level, we’ve added 2 sub-levels. These give you a stronger feeling day by day, month by month, and work like this:

There was a structure of levels and sub-levels. Now we had to work out what it takes to move from one level to a higher level.

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This meant that a set of expectations and competencies had to be defined at each level. We broke these expectations down into three areas that we felt applied to everyone in the business, regardless of their specific role:

We also decided that in order to reach each level and sublevel, team members must achieve a certain percentage of the competencies listed above.

Remember, there are two sub-levels, which means you need to be 1.1 and 1.2 before progressing from level 1 to level 2 – so we decided to allocate 33% of the competencies to level 1.1 , and increases to 66% at 1.2. and finally 100% to 2. This worked the same on all levels.

We then decided what to expect at each career level. This was no easy task – remember, this system is designed to cover a lifetime of development.

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So yes, it’s a big project that needs to be tackled slowly and deliberately, but it’s definitely worth the end result for you and your team.

To help you in the process, we’ve released our own development framework, so you can save some time and money by improving the work we’ve done.

Just click on the image below to access the full table of our expectations at all levels of Individual Contributor and People Manager.

So far, everything has been theoretical. Now we had to see if this works in practice in the growth of the team’s career.

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We assessed the entire team using the progression framework, worked out what level they would be – and what title and salary they would receive as a result.

That was a pretty scary prospect – what if there were discrepancies in people’s current roles? Fortunately, while there were a few, they were quite small.

For the underpaid, this was a great opportunity to make up for the omission on our part: we undervalued their work.

For those who are overpaid, we have agreed not to reduce anyone’s salary, instead we will give them a lower salary on their next promotion, bringing them back into the framework.

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It’s a complex system, and I’m afraid that if we don’t win the initial entry fee for team members, it could collapse.

Moreover, its implementation can be quite a difficult process. It’s the first time we’ve chronicled everyone’s time at Charlie in black and white. People’s roles have changed. It was possible to modify the payments.

In order to give the team the best chance of success, we have divided it into two stages, both of which are approximately one week long.

If you’re not sure how to get started with your own team, I’ve used this slide deck to make it more useful and understandable – feel free to download it below.

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I then let managers book conversations with their direct reports to discuss the re-leveling and make sure everyone was on board with it before closing.

Making our progression framework a living, breathing part of Charlie’s values ​​to create high performing and happy teams is a great achievement and a core part of our work.

It also meant that the rollout was just the beginning, and we had to make sure the framework wasn’t just a blip, but a system that supported the professional development of everyone at Charlie.

Many companies choose to hold their promotion and salary reviews every year, but we have chosen to hold performance reviews three times a year.

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If you think this is a lot for you to handle on your own, it’s a process built into our software so you can automate it.

Post performance reviews all at once